Get off your tail & homestead
This one’s for the Homestead Dreamers!
5 years ago, we ditched the suburbs to return to the land and built a homestead from scratch. If you have a heart to quit the busy-ness of the city and build a legacy life on land, we’ll help you do it in this course.

Morning coffee walks around your land
These last couple of years have made everyone we know reevaluate their life. Worries of increased gas prices and food sources and income in an unstable economy top the minds of many. Things feel shaky and don’t look like they’re getting better any time soon.
We created this course to help give folks an opt out. An option out of the rat race and out of keeping up with the Joneses. We’ll help you:
- Create a vision for the homestead of your dreams.
- Identify obstacles that keep you from living your best life on land now.
- Establish side gigs that can close the gap between your city life and homestead life.
- Assess, Plan, and Execute the steps to get to your land.
- Get off Your Tail and Homestead.
You’re not alone…
Dreaming is easy.
Do-ing is harder. Here are some things that keep you stuck in the city/suburbs
- You’re too busy as it is.
- You make enough to pay your bills but not to change your life.
- There’s never enough time.
- You don’t have any homestead skills.

Here's the truth:
It doesn't have to be this way
Everyone who ever started something new began right where you are. The difference is, they set their mind on their destination and when obstacles arose, they had a plan to get through it. The path may adjust but the homestead destination is the same.
Sometimes, you just need someone who has been where you are going to help you along the way. We’ll equip you to create a plan tailored to your life and your homestead goals.
"This course was fabulous! So many things I hadn’t thought of and need to know. The office hours covers so much! Thank you!"
Wendy, student of Get Off Your Tail

Get Off Your Tail & Homestead
The course for the Homestead Dreamers who do. You aren’t the kind of person to sit on your hands and let life happen to you. You are ready to take steps toward your goal of living a life of less stress and more freedom.

Module 1
Less Stress
More Freedom
- America, We Have a Problem
- Do Your Have What it Takes to Homestead?
- Overcoming Objections
- Minimizing Stuff and Maximizing Life
Module 2
Getting Your Land
- What do you want??? Farming? Self Sustainability? Legacy Living?
- You Need Land and Why
- How to Buy Land
- Where to Buy Land
- What Does Planting Trees Do for a Property?
- Land Purchase Priority List

Module 3
Assess, Plan, Execute
- Assess Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
- Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance
- Ideas are yesterday, EXECUTION is Today
Module 4
The 8 Masks of Money
- Hard Assets vs Paper Money
- Intellectual Capital
- Living Capital
- Social Capital
- Material Capital
- Financial Capital
- Cultural Capital
- Experiential Capital
- Spiritual Capital
- Capital Needed for the Zombie Apocolypse
- Good Debt: Myth or Fact

Module 5
How to Quit Your Day Job
- Don't Quit Your Day Job (Secrets of What Your 9-5 Can Teach You)
- Stop the Excuses
- Side Hustles that Deliver Results
- Making Your Dreams a Full Time Income
- Function Stacking
Module 6
Self Employement vs Passive Income
- Self-Employed vs Entrepreneur
- Parable of the Pipeline
- 50 Homestead Money Makers

Module 7
Secret to Satisfaction
- Gratitude
- You Have to be Content
"For roadmapping the way to get ONTO the homestead, this course was fantastic!"
Ryan, student of Get Off Your Tail
Ready to Get off Your Tail & Homestead? Choose your payment plan:
And there is more!
When you enroll, you'll also get these awesome bonuses:

Bonus #1
A plan is nothing if it’s not written down. This bonus workbook compliments everything we will discuss in the course. It’s your guide on paper, customized with your own timeline, excuse crushers, obstacle identifiers, and money management tools.

Bonus #2
Free Ebook
This ebook is rich with content for the city and suburban homesteader at heart. Feel encouraged to bust out of the broke and boring suburban narrative full of manicured lawns that you can’t eat. And be prepared to build a life of self sustainability, daily dirty chores, and creative problem solving.

Bonus #3
Free Shirt
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL! Share hope and action in your wardrobe! Enroll by February 18th. Just complete the course work, leave your vision board in the community group, and leave a review. We’ll send you a Grow Gardens, Not Government t-shirt.
Meet your teachers
We are Beau & Kelly
We are a little bit crunchy and a whole lotta bit fun. We are the dreamers who do and fell in love with Homesteading.
Living a debt free, time free lifestyle is for them! But to do that means saying “no” to a lot of what the world says is important. Even so, at the beginning of this whole homesteading thing, we can see the fruits of living a slower paced, intentional life.

But it wasn't always this way...
After purchasing our 7 acres in 2015 we hit a serious marriage crisis. This "homesteading life" started to become an ideal and the only thing that saved our marriage was counseling.
What we learned was homesteading and growing our own food wasn't the destination, but yet it was the vehicle to get us to where our family needed to be.
TOGETHER. Our family truly is better together. Better Together on the homestead, in homeschooling our children, and our walk with God.
This is possible for you too.
Your path to your goal

Our money-back guarantee
Try the course for 60 days, risk-free
We know that if you will do the work, show up and engage in the weekly office hours half the battle is won. When you dare to take action, you’ll achieve your homestead dream. We believe this so strongly in the action you take from our course, we guarantee it. When you complete the course and turn in a completed workbook, if you still don't feel like you got your money’s worth... we will refund you 100% within the first 60 days.
This course is for you if:
- You’re seeing the world around you and it’s not lining up with your values.
- You feel a longing to put your hands to traditional sustainable skills.
- You desire a life with less stress and more freedom.

This isn't for you if:
- You feel like when you look around you, the world is getting healthier and stronger.
- You prefer the ease of convenience over the challenge of successfully skilling up.
- You are happier watching other people’s homestead stories instead of building your own.
"Love, love, I love this course! I really like the fact of being able to reach out to you guys using Marco Polo to ask a question and you guys personally answer them."
Dan, student of Get Off Your Tail
Are you ready to take action and change the life you’re living?
Enroll in the course. Get all the bonus content directly in your inbox. Connect with community that will cheer you on. Feel confident knowing that Beau and Kelly are in your corner equipping you to take your next step.